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About Me

My name is Robin Roseth and I've had cats nearly my entire life. My parents got our first kitten when I was 5 years old. I have always gravitated toward cats because I like what they are about: smart, funny, creative, graceful creatures who allow us to be their companions.

In 2002, I left the corporate world to start working with kitties. I now have 15 years experience working with animals which includes spay/neuter surgery, managing a 35-cat adoption center, trap/neuter/return of feral cats, and I have always been the "go-to" person for feline medical and behavioral concerns.

I have knowledge and experience with feline health issues and related treatments and medications. I have worked with top-notch veterinarians who helped me learn what I know today. I also have hands-on experience from my own cat household, and from working for a humane organization for 6 years.

In the summer of 2008, I decided to start Cats in the City from my desire to work with cats from a new angle - in their own homes while their guardians are away on vacation or business travel.

I strive to provide the absolute best customized care for your cat or kitten.

Chicago service neighborhoods/areas:

Rogers Park, West Ridge, Edgewater, Andersonville, Lincoln Square,

Kitty Care Days/Hours: Sunday-Saturday, 9 AM - 5PM

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